Monday, October 22, 2012

Baby Boomer Health Insurance - Save Money

Before baby boomers get on Medicare health insurance, they are fending for themselves in the health insurance market.

That does not mean there are not ways to save money on your baby boomer health insurance prior to age 65... it pays to shop around.

I am now 67, so I have been on Medicare for two years... and I will admit having nothing but catastrophic insurance for 16 years prior to turning 65... I took advantage of the savings that Medicare offers me right now.

There is certainly no guarantee that the savings that I am enjoying now will continue... especially with the new health care legislation looming... do not be surprised if everyone's rates, including those over 65 go up when that kicks in.

So how can baby boomers save money on health insurance prior to age 65?

The simple answer is to go online and do your research... if you are reading this article that means that you are familiar with using the Internet for research and you should take advantage of the resources that the search engines offer.

My wife is 60, and noticed that her monthly health insurance bill went from $168 a month to $246 a month. after finding out online that cheaper programs offering essentially the same service were available from her current insurer... we called our current insurance carrier and signed up for a $182 a month policy. All with one simple phone call.

These money-saving opportunities are available to anyone willing to do some basic research online and spending a little time on the phone.

There are certain obstacles that prevent people from saving money, some of the most common are:

    Fear of having to find a new doctor
    Reluctance in changing from a company you are familiar with
    Not willing to put up with a hassle of shopping around

You can find out online what insurance plans they accept... if in doubt call the office of your current Dr. and asked them what plans they do accept.

Some are reluctant to change from an insurance company that they have been with for a long time... Insurance companies are not dummies and they know that people are reluctant to switch... the reality is that companies often offer much lower rates to obtain new customers... it makes a lot of sense to switch insurance companies every three years or so.

The last reason that baby boomers are reluctant to attempt to save money on health insurance... is the hassle of spending the time on the phone... with your current insurance company or a new one.

I don't like to spend a lot of time talking to salespeople on the phone either but when you look back on the opportunities to save money by doing so it seems to be a wise investment of time.

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